Thursday, February 27, 2020

Business strategy of US Airways Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business strategy of US Airways - Case Study Example US Airways initiated a merger with American Airways which was completed in 2013. The merger is a cost leadership strategy in addition to boosting profits and strategically positioning themselves for stiff competition with other industry leaders. According to analyst (Staff, 2013), the company can benefit from $600 million cost reduction under the new deal. US Airways employed a no-frills strategy to lure cost sensitive customers. Though its West Coast flights are within the United States, it operates a full slate of European flights from its East Coast hubs. US Airways has also employed differentiation strategies in a bid to attract a certain segment of the market. US Airways has considerably few international flights but is concentrated in Charlotte, N.C., Phoenix and Philadelphia. Unlike American Airlines, US Airways has little presence in Los Angeles with only a strong presence in outlying airports such as Ontario, Burbank and Long Beach. The merger is a strategy that will make US. Airways presence in Los Angeles significantly felt hence a boost on its performance. Under the new merger, the Group president Scott Kirby indicates that they anticipate targeting corporate customers as they can spend thrice as much as leisure clients, qualifying them as a lucrative segment on the airline market (Staff,

Monday, February 10, 2020

Continuity and Change of Scribal Education Essay

Continuity and Change of Scribal Education - Essay Example ole in the dissemination of cuneiform literacy, which firstly appeared as an educational institution in the Old Babylonian period and was referred as Eduba, a Sumerian word meaning ‘the tablet house’ (Sjà ¶berg, 1974). One of the literary sources frequently mentioned is the royal Hymn dedicated to Ã…  ulgi, the king of The Third Dynasty of Ur. Ã…  ulgi is presented describing his scribal education and proclaiming himself a perfect scribe. The passage became a background for the supposition that scribal schools had already existed in the twenty first century BC, however this is unlikely since all preserved versions of this Hymn came from the Old Babylonian period and primary from the school tablets in 18th century BC (Kuhrt, 1995). Archaeological evidence provides the tablets mostly referred to the administration system (lists of agricultural items, receipts, taxation documents etc.). Therefore, both the archaeological and literary sources hardly allow locating the appearance of the organized school practices earlier than the Old Babylonian epoch. However we can speculate that some scribal training was provided. A wide range of administration tablets could not be produced without the extensive knowledge of cuneiform literacy. Moreover, the texts from Ebla mention that the group of young scribes arrived from North Babylonian Mari. These tablets possibly indicate that Babylonian scribes were sent to teach their foreign colleagues, as Mieroop suggested. His assumption allows the suggestion that scribal schools probably existed already in the third millennium, and this is only not proved because of the absence of archaeological evidence (Mieroop, 2007). We know old Babylonian Eduba due to the references found in literary sources. Apart from royal hymns, Eduba is mentioned in Eduba-Dialogues, describing the student life. Examination Text A provides information about exams in scribal school. Another frequently quoted source is ‘Schooldays’ that contains a vivid